Over 25 years of hands-on planning and managing golf travel experiences all over the world .
Who knew that growing up on the door step of iconic Open Championship course - Ailsa Course at Turnberry on Scotland's picturesque west coast would set me up for a career in golf travel industry but it certainly didn't hurt me. I was also the person that did all the planning for my friends when it came to traveling to play golf so I eventually decided to turn it into a career.
My core destinations are Scotland, Ireland and rest of the UK but over years my network of the golf world has expanded to allow me to support more lifestyle and cultural destinations such as Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Caribbean, Africa and down to New Zealand and Australia.
Planning golf travel for friends, peers or anyone can be a stressful proposition and whether you choose me or another professional, that is your most important decision outside of choosing where to travel to.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!