Laura Lukan
Laura Lukan
Laura Lukan
Laura Lukan
As a child, I was always suggesting…”Let’s go somewhere!” Anywhere! Far or near, I have always been happy to go, to explore new landscapes, to meet new people, to try new food and to learn.
In the beginning, I worked as a leisure travel consultant at one of the largest travel agencies in New England. From there, I moved on to various roles with American Airlines, Travelocity and a couple of the travel industry’s leading technology providers. It was at American Airlines that I met the love of my life, who (fortunately) shared my passion to ‘go somewhere’ and we’ve been seeing the world together for more than 30 years.
While there’s no place like home in the United States, we’ve been able to live in Hong Kong, Dubai, Toronto and London for over 15 years. In 2010, we had the opportunity to take a year off from work to travel. It was something we had always dreamed of doing! We began our adventure in Palm Springs and Tokyo staying with friends in both places. From there, we spent almost 4 months in New Zealand sightseeing and working in vineyards, moving onto Australia for another 2 months doing much the same. In coming back to the USA, we explored the San Francisco area and parts of the Sierras. We took a cruise and caught up with family before returning to the real world. I’ve been lucky enough to travel to nearly 60 countries from Australia to Zambia for work and pleasure.
As I’m exploring new places, there’s a couple of simple things I always like to do. One, is to check out a local grocery store or market. I've discovered a lot of deliciousness along the way and found that even familiar foods can be more exotic and interesting in a different place and more so in foreign land. Secondly, I always find myself searching for the best view…Higher Ground, if you will. Sometimes my 'Higher Ground' is the just small rise of a sandy beach overlooking the ocean or lake.
In becoming a professional travel adviser again, I’m coming full circle to where my journey began. This time, I will be able to help my clients by bringing a lot of ideas, knowledge and experience to help them decide where they want to go and what they want to do. Their 'Higher Ground". It would be my pleasure to help you with whatever journey you want to take.